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Currently in Mexico, energy transition policies are being promoted through a Technological Route Map towards Electric Mobility by 2050, in 2021 the Undersecretary of Planning and Energy Transition, part of the General Directorate of Research, Technological Development and Resource Training Humans, within the sectoral Fund CONACYT-Secretariat of Energy Energy Sustainability under the official number DGIDTFRH/213.008/2021 Extended an invitation to the CEO and Founder of Ace Aero Group SAPI de CV to collaborate in these initiatives, where since 2017 Ace Aero Group has already was working on the Electromobility Road Map from 2017 to 2027, both initiatives are approved and complement current policies, where since 2017 two investment funds were created to support the strategic projects of Ace Aero Group SAPI de CV, one to manufacture Electric vehicles (Ace Automotive Manufacturas y Ensambles Automotrices SA de CV and the Mexican National Electromobility Center SAPI de CV, to support the promotion of Electromobility as companies aligned with current international and national policies

thats why Spec Power LLC born to be a solution for the promotion of Electromobility in Mexico, US and Canada.